Fractal Consolidations Pro+ pushes the boundaries of Algorithmic Price Delivery Analysis. Tailored for traders seeking precision and efficiency to unlock hidden insights, this tool empowers you to dissect market Consolidations on your terms, live, in all asset classes.
Fractal Consolidations [Pro+]

Concept Introduction
Fractal Consolidations Pro+ pushes the boundaries of Algorithmic Price Delivery Analysis. Tailored for traders seeking precision and efficiency to unlock hidden insights, this tool empowers you to dissect market Consolidations on your terms, live, in all asset classes.
What is a Fractal Consolidation?
Consolidations occur when price is trading in a range. Normally, Consolidation scripts use a static number of "lookback candles", checking whether price is continuously trading inside the highest and lowest price points of said Time window.
After years spent studying price action and numerous programming attempts, this tool succeeds in veering away from the lookback candle approach. This Consolidation script harnesses the delivery mechanisms and Time principles of the Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm (IPDA) to define Fractal Consolidations – solely based on a Timeframe Input used for context.
This concept was engineered around price delivery principles taught by the Inner Circle Trader (ICT). As per ICT, it's integral for an Analyst to understand the four phases of price delivery: Consolidation, Expansion, Retracement, and Reversal.
By analyzing past price action, traders will find algorithmic signatures when Consolidations are taking place, therefore providing a clearer view of where and when price is likely to contract, continue consolidating, breakout, retrace, or reverse. A prominent signature to consider when using this script is ICT's Market Maker Buy/Sell Models. These signatures revolve around the engineering of Consolidations to manipulate price in a specific direction, to then reverse at the appropriate Time. Each stage of the Market Maker Model can be identified and taken advantage of using Fractal Consolidations.
Indicator Features
Tailored Timeframes: choose the Timeframe that suits your model. Whether you're a short-term enthusiast eyeing 1 Hour Consolidations or a long-term trend follower analyzing 4 Hour Consolidations, this tool gives you the freedom to choose.
Auto-Timeframe Convenience: for those who prefer a more dynamic and adaptive approach, our Auto Timeframe feature effortlessly adjusts to the most relevant Timeframe, ensuring you stay on top of market consolidations without manually adjusting settings.
Consolidation Types: define consolidations as contractions of price based on either its wick range or its body range.
Filtering Methods: combine previous overlapping Consolidations, merging them into one uniform Consolidation. This feature is subject to repainting only while a larger Consolidation is forming, as smaller Consolidations are confirmed. However once established, the larger Consolidation will not repaint.
IPDA Data Range Filtering: this feature gives the Analyst control for selective visibility of Consolidations in the IPDA Data Range Lookback. The Analyst can choose between 20, 40, and 60 days as per ICT teachings, or manually adjust through Override.
Extreme Float: this feature provides reference points when the price is outside the highest or lowest liquidity levels in the chosen IPDA Data Range Lookback. These Open Float Extremes offer critical insights when the market extends beyond the Lookback Consolidation Liquidity Levels. This feature helps identify liquidity extremes of interest that IPDA will consider, which is crucial for traders in understanding market movements beyond the IPDA Data Ranges.
IPDA Override: the Analyst can manually override the default settings of the IPDA Data Range Lookback, enabling more flexible and customized analysis of market data. This is particularly useful for focusing on recent price actions in Lower Timeframes (like viewing the last 3 days on a 1-minute timeframe) or for incorporating a broader data range in Higher Timeframes (like using 365 days to analyze Weekly Consolidations on a daily timeframe).
Liquidity Insight: gain a deeper understanding of market liquidity through customizable High Resistance Liquidity Run (HRLR) and Low Resistance Liquidity Run (LRLR) Consolidation colors. This feature helps distinguishing between HRLR (high resistance, delayed price movement) and LRLR (low resistance, smooth price movement) Consolidations, aiding in quick assessment of market liquidity types.
Liquidity Raid Type: decide whether to categorize a Consolidation liquidity raid by a wick or body trading through a level.
Customizable User Interface: tailor the visual representation to align with your preferences. Personalize your trading experience by adjusting the colors of consolidation liquidity (highs and lows) and equilibrium, as well as line styles.
Settings and Usage
Filter Settings
Timeframe Selection
Fractal Consolidations allows the analyst select their timeframe in which the minimum Time the consolidation will look to form. Choose standard Time Frames 1 Day, 4 Hour, 1 Hour, 15m, or 5 minute or get creative with customizable timeframes. If an analyst selects the 1 Day Chart, the Consolidation will look to be measured with a daily context.
Auto Filtering
In the tool settings, the analyst can choose to select the Auto function for adaptive consolidations to the charts Timeframe. The automatic consolidation toggle uses the basis of ICT’s Essential to Market Structure video. Please refer to the tooltip for more information.
Consolidation Type
Toggle between consolidation wicks and bodies in the settings. This setting gives analysts the option to see an institutional view, defining the bodies of the candles. For range projections one analyst may use the wicks of a set consolidation.
Analyst Insight: It is a well known concept within ICT’s methodologies that the bodies of the candles show the true direction of the market. ICT often refers to this as “The wicks do the damage, the bodies tell the story”. What this means is that the wicks on candles often are used to ‘damage’ traders by purging stops or they trade into PD Arrays quickly, while the bodies show the true distribution.

Consolidation Type Wicks vs Body
Consolidation Filtering
Toggle consolidation filtering off to see fractal consolidations form. Fractal consolidations occur when one consolidation is inside of a larger consolidation. When filtering is enabled, the tool will group the fractal consolidations into one consolidation providing a cleaner visual. Smaller consolidations are important but can be overwhelming some analysts, depending on the timeframe selected. All analysts should toggle this on and off to see the full power of the tool.
IPDA Data Range or Custom Settings
IPDA Lookback Settings
ICT teaches that the Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm (IPDA) seeks data in the form of 20-40-60 days in his core content lectures. We adapted this tool for analysts to follow the same logic. Easily choose the consolidations to be filtered by 20, 40, or 60 days back from current date.
Custom Lookback Settings
Our tools are aimed to provide flexibility to all analysts. Create a custom Data Range for your consolidation filtering by toggling “Custom Data Range” and choosing your preferred number of Days for the lookback.
Consolidation Liquidity Raids
High Resistance vs Low Resistance Consolidations
Toggling the Low Resistance Liquidity Run (LRLR) and High Resistance Liquidity Run (HRLR) filtering will enable enables to differences of liquidity pools. When raids are detected within consolidations, the consolidations are categorized as high resistance. For more information about LRLR and HRLR be sure to watch ICT’s core content video.
Analyst Insights: In High Resistance Liquidity Run conditions conditions it means the market is less likely to reach certain objectives due to specific underlying market conditions. For example, when the market is trading in between two higher timeframe PD Arrays, the market will have a hard time expanding towards the draw on liquidity. Low Resistance Liquidity Runs are the complete opposite, in these conditions the market does not have any barriers in it’s way and will move towards the draw on liquidity with ease.
Liquidity Raid Type
The liquidity raid type allows the analysts to categorize when consolidations are broken through. When selecting the wick option, any wick that breaks the detected consolidation will stop any continuous development. Choose the body option will require a body to close through the initial consolidation liquidity.

Automatic Coloring Consolidation
Automatic Color
When selecting the LRLR and HRLR Detection, the automatic coloring feature will disable the individual color options to be changed.
The box (consolidation), EQ (equilibrium), and Liquidity colors can be changed individually. To do so, be sure that auto coloring is turned off and that your consolidation color is not being overwritten by the HRLR and LRLR defaulted colors.
If an analyst wanted to change the color of the LRLR and HRLR consolidations, they would do so with the within the colors defined in Consolidation Liquidity Raids.
Line Customization
Easily style your consolidations and adjust line preferences from either Dotted or Solid. Select through the available options and find what suits you visually!
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