The London Intraday Protraction° [Pro+] is an automatic market profiling tool designed from ICT Time and price parameters projected for the London Session in Forex markets

London Intraday Protraction° [Pro+]
Concept Introduction & Indicator Features
The London Intraday Protraction° [Pro+] is an automatic market profiling tool designed from ICT Time and price parameters projected for the London Session in Forex markets.
Time Parameters:
Central Bank Dealers Range (CBDR)
Asian Range (AR)
London Session
Price Parameters:
CBDR Range size
CBDR Standard Deviations
AR Range Size
Protraction (Fake move, trap)
This tool allows you to keep your attention dialled into the Session harnessing the concepts listed above through historical data (statistics + previous sessions), and live visuals.
This tool automatically annotates your CBDR and AR reference points, and prints range values in pips as a label above the CBDR and AR; it also projects the CBDR deviations encompassed in London's Time opportunity – up to three standard deviations.
The range values for the Time-based ranges, and price action are filtered into conditional statements as taught in the Core Content from the Inner Circle Trader (ICT).
There are three types of profiles that analysts can anticipate.
Normal Protraction – the high/low of the Day is anticipated in early London Session.
Delayed Protraction – due to invalid Price Parameters (Range Sizes) the Protraction is expected in the later stages of the London Session (this protraction may, or may not be, the high/low of the Day).
Normal Protraction Negated – due to invalid Time Parameters, the Protraction is expected in the later stages of the London Session (this protraction may, or may not be, the high/low of the Day).
Notice the color coding of the specific scenarios, as it always repeats – it will aid pattern recognition.
The statistical table shows the total number of viewable London Sessions on chart; it provides the total number of filtered Normal Protraction Sessions, and Delayed Protractions Sessions. It also indicates a percentage of how many filtered conditions held true and provided clean price action or narrative.
The true power of this tool lies in its specific window of Time opportunity, and solid conditional logic provided by ICT's teachings; having the London Session analysis automated, allows you to focus on price, and bias, rather than drawing predetermined ICT parameters.
Scenario 1: Normal Protraction – the high/low of the Day is anticipated in early London Session.

Scenario 2: Delayed Protraction – due to invalid Price Parameters (Range Sizes) the Protraction is expected in the later stages of the London Session (this protraction may, or may not be, the high/low of the Day).

Scenario 3: Normal Protraction Negated – due to invalid Time Parameters, the Protraction is expected in the later stages of the London Session (this protraction may, or may not be, the high/low of the Day).

Indicator Features:
Automatically (in)validate the range whenever the it is too small
Statistical table
Customizable colors
Auto-adapting colors
Customizable stat table position
Customizable stat table size
Settings and usage
Range Values
By ticking this ON/OFF the labels for the range values will be displayed or not. The range values are calculated by taking the highest high and the lowest low from the Central Bank Dealers Range (CBDR) and Asian Range (AR). You will see the range values appear above the CBDR and AR Boxes.
By using the style options, the analyst is able to select the size of the range values through using the dropdown toggle for Size. The user can also change the positioning of the range values to be located above or below the set ranges.
Analyst Insights:
The range values are an important aspect of this indicator. Whether a specific range can be used for deviations or not. The Asian Range requires a minimum amount of 20 pips and a maximum amount of 30 pips, and the Central Bank Dealers Range requires a minimum of 15 pips and a maximum of 40 pips to be seen as valid. This indicator goes hand in hand with Price Action Model 5 in Forex, which directly implements the logic of this indicator.
Range Colors
The ranges are defaulted to colors that toodegrees has chosen, however you are able to customize your valid or invalid range colors.
Valid Range Colors
The range conditions are taught directly from @The Inner_Circle_Trader on Youtube in Core Content Month 8. The follow conditions help the analyst understand what makes a range valid or invalid, and how that can affect the intraday template.
The CBDR will become valid if the range calculations are less than 40 pips.
The AR will become valid if the range calculations are between 20 and 30 pips.
Once the ranges are calculated at Midnight, The Time Opportunity Box Begins.
Time Opportunity Box
The start of a new day, as taught by ICT, is Midnight NY Time. At this time, the analyst will see the CBDR and AR plot in their respective colors.
If the ranges are deemed to be outside the conditions set, they are deemed invalid, and thus the analyst should look to expect a delayed protraction as taught.
If the ranges are deemed valid due to the appropriate conditions being met, the analyst can look for a normal protraction during the window of Midnight to up to 5am
Analyst Insights:
The theory behind this: The opportunity box is between 02:00 and 05:00 in New York time. When anticipating a bullish formation of the daily candle, the low/high of the day usually is set during the London Open Killzone, which is between 02:00 and 05:00. This allows analysts to position themselves in the perfect time window.
Stat Table
This table shows you the number of Historical Days it can calculate (See TV Plan Disclaimer on Bottom) and organizes them into Normal and Delayed based on the condition.
By reading the table, the analyst will be able to understand the probability of how often the ranges are deemed to be normal and delayed. Right away, most analysts can see that the number of normal profiles is vastly lower than the number of delayed profiles.
Organizing your backtesting based on how the daily range is configured should help with further comprehension of daily profiles, Time, and price anticipations.

This Data Table can vary based on your Tradingview plan – the data on chart differs. If not enough Data is available for a given range, the Table will show LESS Data thus SKEWING REAL Percentages.
Analyst Insights:
The data the Stat Table shows can aid analysts in creating optimized trading models. If an analyst specializes in the London Open Killzone in the Forex market for example, they can choose to include/exclude certain scenario’s based on the given data. It also helps with framing an expectation, if an analyst would only want to trade the Normal Protraction scenario, they know out of 213 days, this profile only occurs 8 times. By having access to this type of data analysts/traders avoid overtrading.